이상인T [698139] · MS 2016 (수정됨) · 쪽지

2018-09-03 22:15:33
조회수 2,779

수완 변형문제 만들다가..

게시글 주소: https://i.orbi.kr/00018302253

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다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 적절한 것을 고르시오. 


Minorities tend not to have much power or status and may even be dismissed as troublemakers, extremists or simply ‘weirdos’. How, then, do they ever have any influence over the majority? The social psychologist Serge Moscovici claims that the answer lies in their behavioural style, i.e. the way the minority gets its point across. The crucial factor in the success of the suffragette movement was that its proponents were consistent in their views, and this created a considerable degree of social influence. Minorities that are active and organised, who advocate and defend their position consistently, can create social conflict, doubt and uncertainty among members of the majority, and ultimately this may lead to social change. Such change has often occurred because a minority has converted others to its point of view. Without the influence of minorities, we would have no innovation, no social change. Many of what we now regard as ‘major’ social movements (e.g. Christianity, trade unionism or feminism) were originally due to the influence of an outspoken minority.


the minority gets status of the majority

the minority can create social conflict

the minority neutralizes influence of the majority

the minority promotes social integration

the minority gets its point across


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